{\fs20 Dear PhoneBook User:\line }{\fs12 \line }{\fs20 Thank you for registering your copy of PhoneBook by sending the requested payment. Enclosed is a disk containing the latest version along with some other programs and utilities I have written. Feel free to try any of them out; if you like them and use them, please send the requested Shareware fee as explained in each program\rquote s About box.\line }{\fs12 \line }{\fs20 Here is your password information for registering your version of PhoneBook (and avoiding the registration reminder in the future). Be sure to hold on to this slip of paper: you will need to re-register PhoneBook if you download a new version or copy PhoneBook onto a different computer.\line }{\fs12 \line }{\fs20 Last Name:\tab }{\b\fs20 %}{\fs20 \tab \tab Password:\tab }{\b\fs20 @}{\fs20 \line \line }{\fs50 \par }